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bring on 2020

Writer's picture: Kara PerpelitzKara Perpelitz

I typically try to write a rather inspiring New Years message. I'm not entirely sure I have it in me this year, so I'll just type and see where this goes.

2019 was a crazy year. For all intents and purposes at the beginning of the year, life wasn't exactly terrible, but it wasn't exactly fan-friggen-tastic either. I went through my my photos from the year, and there's no doubt we had it good. But that didn't stop the nagging need to transplant my roots into new soil. That need had been nagging at me for a few years prior and while I voiced my concerns, it wasn't something felt by the rest of my family at that point. But 2018 had brought about enough challenges that by early 2019 we knew the best thing to do was transplant our selves into some fresh soil.

My efforts to keep creating, keep writing, and over all keep doing everything I knew I wanted and needed to nearly completely fell to the way side as the decision to move became official, both in the physical sense, and in the heart sense. I still managed to pull an excellent article out of my head, and managed to plan and lead a level 6 Master Spinner class in the first 6 months of the year.

July 12 was our official possession date for the house, which meant I was quite literally using Fibre Week (a very central and pivotal part of my past 9 years) as a buffer, or transition, from the past to the future. Fibre Week, and fibre work in general has been a catalyst for many things in my life. It's ever inspiring, and ever evolving. Not unlike each of us as human beings.

At this point, yes, this a slightly more detailed version of everything I've been writing on the blog this year. But just getting it out there is some what cathartic. So I continue on.

July we were back and forth between houses until August 1, when we officially fully moved. I was quick to set up my space in the upper living room, or the front room if you will. I got to work creating batts and yarns, and that was all fine and good, however we didn't exactly have anywhere to rest our weary bones mid day. A good couch goes a long way, and you don't realize this until you are without one. Enter the couch, and then that all went to the wayside, as there wasn't really anywhere to actually work my drum carder.

Another hiccup along my way was a lack of dyeing kitchen. In Goodsoil I had the best outdoor kitchen that was functional for 5 months of the year, and had access to a shop with ventilation in the winter. Dyeing wasn't a problem or a puzzle to solve as it was here. Until we got it all together, and my fantastical plumber husband put a sink into the garage. I've been able to dye cottons and cellulose fibres. And I've been able to do some felting.

Of course, as also outlined in my post entitled Opportunity, I've made a great many connections. I've taught two classes at Creative haven YXE with the intent to teach more in the new year. I'm also planning a pop up for felting products in late January.

One of the most exciting opportunities that I kept hidden in the post mentioned above was that I actually approached the Community Arts Program coordinators about teaching fibre arts classes. Their enthusiasm in the last 3 months has been overwhelming, and I'm building classes on my knowledge base. I actually have an intensive weekend class planned for February!

So, 2019. My word of the year was perseverance. And I did that. I persevered. I pushed through a rather muddy, hilly (sometimes mountainous) and life filled year. I did not give up on my dreams of being a full time Fibre Artist. I'm not there yet, but I've made progress, and actually feel as though I've moved forward.

In terms of this being an inspirational post, I hope that my journey has proven that no matter the decisions you make, and no matter the bumps and blocks along the road, as long as you keep moving forward and preserver you will get to where you intend. You may even get there sooner than expected.

As for a word for 2020, I don't have one yet. Hopefully by the end of the week I will. And don't worry, I'll let you know! ;)

Always Happily Spinning,


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